DLSU Investors’ Society presents HORIZON: Virtual Worlds, Real Value

dlsu investor's society

DLSU Investors’ Society – As Investors, we look to the Horizon for new opportunities and the pursuit of success. With this Investors’ Society, a special interest organization at De La Salle University Manila striving to educate Lasallians to various forms of investing, will be holding an event entitled “HORIZON: Virtual Worlds, Real Value” from June 3-11, 2022. This will be the organization’s largest annual event focused on showcasing the wonders and potential of Web 3.0.

In collaboration with GatherTown, the HORIZON team has created a space where investors and participants can attend various workshops, webinars, and a virtual museum. This two-week expedition will feature inspiring business leaders, as well as certified cryptocurrency traders and investing experts who will share their knowledge and experience regarding NFTs, Blockchain Technology, Decentralized Finance, and Cryptocurrencies

Wanna take a glimpse into the future of money? Sign up for Horizon now! 

Date & Time Activity
June 03, 2022 @ 2:00 PM Museum Expedition
June 04, 2022 @ 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM Web 3.0: Evolving Into a New World
June 10, 2022 @ 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM Horizon: Decrypting Crypto
June 11, 2022 @ 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM Horizon: DEFI-Ing Expectations

Horizon’s Museum Expedition will be an innovative and interactive museum in Gather Town where we will hold numerous activities that will be directed by our tour guides.  It will have booths for corporate sponsors and it will also feature IS members’ NFT’s and Coins with short descriptions and facts which will be open from June 3, 2022 – June 11, 2022. Horizon’s webinar series, on the other hand, seeks to further immerse the current generation into the depths of Web 3.0. It focuses on how to create real value even in virtual worlds.

About the Speakers and Webinars

Web 3.0: Evolving Into a New World

Mr. JM Erestain, a blockchain officer at Ophir and the managing director of Gibki Labs, will be the main speaker on Horizon’s first webinar, Web 3.0: Evolving Into a New World. This speaker will introduce attendees to Web 3.0, its features, and how it may be used in real-world applications.

Horizon: Decrypting Crypto

Mr. Vince Edralin, an Ateneo Management Economics Organization student mentor and fund and crypto guild manager, will be featured in Horizon’s second webinar, Decrypting Crypto. This speaker will go through the fundamentals of cryptocurrency. Mr. Jiro Reyes, a crypto trader and investor, will also be featured in the webinar. The essential knowledge when planning to invest in cryptocurrencies will be addressed in this speaker’s presentation.

Horizon: DEFI-Ing Expectations

In Horizon’s third webinar, DEFI-Ing Expectations, Mr. Gelo Wong, an NFT marketplace specialist, full-time officer at BayaniChain, and CEO of Likha will be featured. This speaker will go over the basics of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and how people can invest responsibly in the DeFi market.

All three webinars will be available on GatherTown as well as on the Horizon’s Facebook page, where it will be broadcasted live.

Don’t miss the opportunity to learn and hear from our valued speakers. Pre-Register now!

Web Series Pre-Registration:


Web 3.0 Expedition Pre-Registration:


To stay up to speed on our announcements, Follow Horizon’s Facebook Page!