Marching Forward Featuring Angela Alarcon

What’s keeping you busy right now?
-Doing the things I love most right now such as photoshoots and tapings for 2 TV series (Voltes V Legacy and Magandang Dilag on GMA 7), hosting events, guestings and content creating are keeping me busy at the moment. I’m also a fur mom to my fur baby Pretzel so being hands on with her is part of my schedule. To add to that, I try to balance my work life by spending quality time with my family.

If your closest friends were here, how do you think would they describe you?

-They’d describe me as adventurous, sporty and always game to have a great time.
You’ve graduated cum laude with a degree in BA Speech Communication at UPD. What’s your strategy towards getting your goals?
-My strategy towards getting my goals is manifestation. Our brains are too powerful and I believe that our thoughts create our reality. When we’re specific with the goals we envision, things naturally just fall into place. I was able to achieve latin honors because that has been a part of my goal before I graduate college. So I worked hard and mastered the art of manifestation and of course, time-management despite being a student-athlete.
Was entering showbiz something you’ve always wanted to do when you were younger?
-Yes, it’s something I’ve always wanted ever since I was a kid. I’ve always been passionate about being in front of the camera–modeling, creating music videos by lip syncing and acting. Even before smart phones existed, I’d always do some poses in front of film and digicams. Aside from that I truly enjoyed being off-camera since I enjoyed production work. I used to produce, direct and edit my own music videos and have these crazy creative ideas in my head as to how I want the scenes to be. I remember showing the results of the videos to my friends and families and they’d be so entertained. Seeing the smiles and laughters on their faces was a lightbulb moment as to why I wanted to pursue entering  the show business. It’s a double win—aside from enjoying what I do, I also make people inspired and happy along the way!
Besides being an actress and a model, you’re also a black belter in taekwondo. What 
motivated you to pursue it?
-Growing up I’ve always been a sporty girl. The competitiveness in me had to be released somewhere. I remember watching WWE wrestling with my brother and would spar with him (nobody was harmed in the process, by the way. Haha!) and actually enjoyed fighting back. Summer Taekwondo clinics were a big thing too everywhere I went so I told my dad that I wanted—which he quickly enrolled me to. What truly motivated me was that I wanted to prove everyone that girls aren’t weak. Girls can be fierce, feisty and can defend themselves on their own when the need arises.
What’s the best thing about having a parent who knows the ins and outs of show business?
-The best thing is that I’m equipped with the knowledge of how the environment is. I would say that I’m blessed and privileged to know at a young age a glimpse of how things work in and out of the industry.
What do you enjoy most about being part of the Sparkle GMA Artist Center
-I enjoy being able to connect and work with my fellow co-actors a lot. It’s really a surreal experience being able to work with actors I once just saw on TV. It’s amazing to vibe and learn from each other along the way. Being in an environment where everyone has the same passion really ignites my capabilities and confidence. The entire management gives me motivation as to why I do what I do.
What are the top 3 things on your to-do list?
-Read verses
-Feed Pretzel
Can you share with us an answered prayer that you were most grateful for?
-I’ve always prayed of entering show business, acting and modeling because it has been a life-long dream of mine. I’m eternally grateful to the people who sees my potential to showcase my talents. Also this, being part of a magazine feature is also considered an answered prayer of mine. Truly surreal! The experience truly makes my heart so full. Definitely one for the books.
When was the last time you felt surprised?
-When I was in Las Vegas in a tourist attraction called Omega Mart, I was definitely in awe of the interactive art installations that seemed out of this world.
When was the last time you felt nervous?
-Bringing my Pretzel to the groomers or vet. These places stresses my fur baby the most so I get nervous too.

You were a muse for this year’s NCAA Season 98 opening — what did you enjoy best about that experience?

-What I enjoyed best was watching the performances and hyping up my fellow co-artists such as Rabiya, Manolo and Martin who were hosts during the event.

What makes you feel confident?

-What makes me feel confident is believing that the only voice that matters is my own. I think I’m able to tap into my most confident self when I don’t care about what others think. I’m a deep person too at times so I also stick to this idea that we’re all just a speck of dust in this universe and everything is temporary, so might as well do what you want to do in this borrowed time we have before it’s too late.

What is an advice from your parents that has left an impact on you?

-To enjoy the journey and the in-betweens because that’s where growth happens.

If there’s a time machine you can use to tell 2020 pre-pandemic Angela about something, what would it be?

-I’d tell her that all her hard work will eventually be worth it because dreams do come true when you truly set your mind, body and soul into it. Despite the hurdles, know that God listens to your prayers and has always been honing you to become the best version of yourself as each year passes.

If you can impact the first impression you leave on people, what do you hope they think about you?
-I hope they think about the kindness I’m able to radiate. I also hope they get reminded that genuine people who values connection and good vibrations despite the superficiality of this world still exist.
As 2022 nearly comes to a close, what do you consider as your fondest memory this year and why?
-My fondest memory this year was being able to bond with my Lola Connie in the US and having to spend time with my family traveling. The US always give me nostalgia because it’s my 2nd home. I was born there but raised here in the Philippines but most of my childhood memories and different stages of my life were spent there. My lola has been feeling strong too since we visited so seeing her with that kind of motivation makes me the happiest. She told me to remember her when I’m acting or doing my thing because there’s always Lola who watches and cheers for her granddaughter even from thousands of miles away.

Photography by Josh Ke
Makeup by Raffy Francisco
Hair by Arthur Tolentino
Styling by Janno Styles
Styling Associate Angela Cepeda
Interview by Danielle Arcon
Special thanks to Chester Singian, JD Datiles, Isabel Bulatao, Fifi Ilaya, Pokko Coffee, Pia’s World Kitchen and Cathleen Tiamson