If your closest friends were here, how do you think would they describe you?

You were a muse for this year’s NCAA Season 98 opening — what did you enjoy best about that experience?
-What I enjoyed best was watching the performances and hyping up my fellow co-artists such as Rabiya, Manolo and Martin who were hosts during the event.
What makes you feel confident?
-What makes me feel confident is believing that the only voice that matters is my own. I think I’m able to tap into my most confident self when I don’t care about what others think. I’m a deep person too at times so I also stick to this idea that we’re all just a speck of dust in this universe and everything is temporary, so might as well do what you want to do in this borrowed time we have before it’s too late.
-To enjoy the journey and the in-betweens because that’s where growth happens.
-I’d tell her that all her hard work will eventually be worth it because dreams do come true when you truly set your mind, body and soul into it. Despite the hurdles, know that God listens to your prayers and has always been honing you to become the best version of yourself as each year passes.