Event Dates:
August 11, 2022
August 12, 2022
August 13, 20022
Online through Zoom
Onsite in Ateneo de Manila University
What is Spark?
Spark is a preparatory course for the incoming Management and Management-Honors freshmen and transferees which aims to introduce them to the course alongside a deeper integration and interconnectedness with their coursemates.
The event aims to successfully prepare MGT/H freshmen and transferees for their journey in MGT/H and in the Ateneo through fostering and cultivating their individual passions and goals. Spark also aims to provide an avenue for participants to safely and genuinely interact with their fellow Atenean coursemates and block mates.
This year’s Spark, which has the theme of Monster’s University, serves as AMA’s momentous first onsite event since coming out of the pandemic. The event provides new members with an avenue to help them navigate the new environment in a fun-filled way consisting of games, prizes, and team-building activities. This is done all while members make new friends, find hidden talents, showcase skills, learn new abilities, and become better versions of themselves!
Vouchers from Nextile, Commune Picks, Motivo, Fredley Group of Companies, Silvanas Las Pinas, and Polarix are also up for grabs.
Partners: Spotted Magazine, ADMU League of Independent Organizations, JGSOM Sanggunian, Loyola Schools Office of Placement and Career Services, Management Economics Organization, UA&P Business Economics Association, Ateneo Junior Marketing Association, Ateneo Chemistry Society, Ateneo Psyche, and the Ateneo Catechetical Instruction League