Marketing Invasion 2019

Marketing Invasion is a two-session Marketing appreciation event, organized by the Junior Entrepreneurs’ Marketing Association (JEMA). JEMA is the premier marketing organization of De La Salle University and is one of the top organizations in the university with over 1,500 members. It has been awarded by the Philippine Junior Marketing Associations as one of the top 5 marketing associations in the Philippines. Marketing Invasion 2019 aims to show the ins and outs of the B.S. Marketing Management degree program offered by DLSU and the field of Marketing to the participating senior high students. This year’s theme is exploring outer space, just like how the participants will soon be exploring life in a college or university and even exploring the world of Marketing through the event.


The Bachelor of Science in Marketing Management in DLSU is a three year and one term degree program that envisions its students to be critical thinkers in society today. BS Marketing Management offers a chance for students to think outside the box; developing innovative solutions to complex problems. Not only does the degree program equips its students to think creatively, but it also trains them to see the world in a different light. Cultivating its students to become excellent business leaders, the idea of the degree program is to focus on teaching the art and science behind it.

Marketing Invasion 2019 will be held on July 27, 2019 from 9:00 AM- 12:00PM and 1:00-4:00 PM at Room 1103 Andrew Gonzalez Hall, De La Salle University, Taft Avenue, Manila. The event will be inviting senior high school students to listen to the guest speakers and participate in the event’s fun activities. The main goal of the event is to showcase the Marketing Management degree program to interested senior high school students. Two of the event’s featured speakers are professors from DLSU’s own Marketing and Advertising Faculty, while the other two will be marketing professionals who are experienced in the field.

Register to our event through for the morning session and for the afternoon session. For more questions, visit Marketing Invasion’s official Facebook page at