The Comical World of Manix Abrera

Manix Abrera is much
like everyone else
who has turned
his passion into
his profession.Clad in his usual statementrock shirt,slick back hair tied intoa ponytail, andhis well-kept signaturegoatee, Manix recalls thathis love for work began as a lover of comic books.

Today, his artistry has made him into one of
the best-selling comic artists of the generation; but
the comic creator never thought of making a career
out of it. Manix remarks, “I know that comics have
been part of my life. It just so happens that I love
telling stories, and I love drawing. I really don’t see it
as a job.”

For 18 years, the University of the Philippine Diliman
alumnus has successfully created 12 anthologies
from Kikomachine Komix, a comic strip based on
people’s day-to-day stories. Most readers and comic
enthusiasts have been familiar with his books, yet
some don’t know that he is also the man behind
GMA News Hardcore and Philippine Daily Inquirer
comic strips.

Life as a Comic Creator

In his comical world, Manix’ routine involves around
pondering in the morning and drawing at night. To keep his creative juices flowing, he engages in
sports particularly in biking and swimming.

Sometimes he travels for no reason to stimulate
his senses. He purposely eavesdrops on
people’s conversations just to get inspiration for
his next story.

“For me, you should do a lot of things that aren’t art-
related, because illustrating all day is also sickening,”
the Kikomachine Komix author says with a laugh,
“Besides, it gets me so excited when I venture on
other things, because it makes me crave for art”.

The Artist of the Month also admits that deadlines
motivate him to hasten his creativity process, which is a habit anyone
can relate.

He even sees
punctuality as a
challenge to
himself. In
his unique
style, this is
his artistic way
of controlling things.

His complacent trait
contributes to the creation of his
humorous strip as well. For as long as
he is satisfied with his work, he doesn’t
mind people’s desires. It’s a lesson he learned
best from his first teacher—his father.

But from a personal point of view, Manix prefers to
entertain his own imagination than others, “I don’t
think of what my readers want to read. Supposedly, I
should be enjoying what I’m doing.”

Words of Wisdom

 Manix attributes everything he learned in his life to
his father, Filipino editorial cartoonist, Jess Abrera.

From success to life lessons to art advice, Manix
sees his father as his greatest mentor. “My father
told me that I should, ‘Create an art that I’ll love.
Don’t think of earning or of fame because these
things are just additional blessings’”.

Manix have always looked up to his father, keeping
all his words of wisdom in mind.

But one saying speaks the most to him, “It’s better
to be acknowledged as an artist with a distinct style
rather than being an artist with no originality.”

Hard work and passion has made Manix successful
in the field of artistry. For his successor, the
komikero has some pieces of advice:

“Be passionate if you want to venture in the world
of comics. A skilled illustrator should be a good
observer to become an effective creator.

Doing it for fame or for money is not worth all
time and effort, for everything comes with proper
discipline and, of course, creativity.”